How did Lord of the Flies end? BEFORE
How did Lord of the Flies end?

Still from the film “Lord of the Flies” (1963) Time of action is not determined. As a result of a nuclear explosion that occurred somewhere, a group of teenagers who were being evacuated find themselves on a desert island. First on...

Hinduism - basic ideas Religion of India Hinduism BEFORE
Hinduism - basic ideas Religion of India Hinduism

HINDUISM, the collective name of a large group of religions that developed on the territory of India and are professed by the bulk of its population (at the beginning of the 21st century it was professed by over 80% of the population), the number of followers...

Totalitarian political regime BEFORE
Totalitarian political regime

The term “totalitarianism” comes from the medieval Latin word “totalis”, which means “whole”, “whole”, “complete”. It was introduced into the political lexicon in 1925 by B. Mussolini. From now on it begins...

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